Managing Monday with Parker J Palmer – take 2
I first came across the work of Parker J Palmer (1939-present) when I was loaned a copy of his book The Courage to Teach. It’s a wonderful read, and it led me to track down some insights from his wider writings. Palmer, a Quaker, is well known for his work on education, social change, vocation and spirituality. Here is a second selection of some of his thoughts. Self-care is never a selfish act – it is simply good stewardship of the only gift I have, the gift I was put on earth to offer others. Anytime we can listen to true self and give the care it requires, we do it not only...
Read MoreManaging Monday with Parker J Palmer
I first came across the work of Parker J Palmer (1939-present) when I was loaned a copy of his book The Courage to Teach. It’s a wonderful read, and it led me to track down some insights from his wider writings. We’ll enjoy them over the next few weeks. Palmer, a Quaker, is well known for his work on education, social change, vocation and spirituality Violence is what happens when we don’t know what else to do with our suffering – Parker J Palmer Take everything that is bright and beautiful in you and introduce it to the shadow side of yourself. Let your altruism meet...
Read MoreManaging Monday with St John of the Cross – Take 3
Spanish born St John of the Cross (1542-1591) was a major figure in the Counter Reformation (or Catholic Reformation). A priest, poet, artist and mystic, he worked closely with St Teresa of Avila in reforming the Carmelite Order, for which he was imprisoned in 1577. During this time he suffered great privation (including being beaten three times each week), but gained profound spiritual insights, many of which are recorded in his best know work, the “Dark Night of the Soul.” This is our third and final look at some of the sayings attributed to him… If you wish to be like...
Read MoreManaging Monday with St John of the Cross – take 2
Spanish born St John of the Cross (1542-1591) was a major figure in the Counter Reformation (or Catholic Reformation). A priest, poet, artist and mystic, he worked closely with St Teresa of Avila in reforming the Carmelite Order, for which he was imprisoned in 1577. During this time he suffered great privation (including being beaten three times each week), but gained profound spiritual insights, many of which are recorded in his best know work, the “Dark Night of the Soul.” This is our second look at some of this sayings… It is best to learn to silence the faculties and to...
Read MorePost Post-Christendom…
For the last few decades churches in the Western world have noted, usually with a sense of lament, that we live in a post-Christendom world – in other words, in a world where Christianity has lost its privileged status and is no longer assumed to be true, moral or the default religion of society. We can no longer presume that the major stories of the Bible are known by the majority, and biblical allusions are usually met with blank incomprehension (“what do you mean when you say she’s a Good Samaritan?”) As to the church setting the agenda for society, that is long...
Read MoreManaging Monday with St John of the Cross
Spanish born St John of the Cross (1542-1591) was a major figure in the Counter Reformation (or Catholic Reformation). A priest, poet, artist and mystic, he worked closely with St Teresa of Avila in reforming the Carmelite Order, for which he was imprisoned in 1577. During this time he suffered great privation (including being beaten three times each week), but gained profound spiritual insights, many of which are recorded in his best know work, the “Dark Night of the Soul.” We will look at some of his quotes over the next few weeks… If a man wishes to be sure of the road...
Read MoreManaging Monday with Martin Luther – take 3
With the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation drawing near, we have been looking at some of the thoughts of one of the key figures in the Reformation, Martin Luther (1483-1546). The law is for the proud and the Gospel for the brokenhearted – Martin Luther God doesn’t love us because of our worth. We are of worth because God loves us – Martin Luther One learns more of Christ in being married and rearing children than in several lifetimes spent in study in a monastery – Martin Luther I have held many things in my hands, and have lost them all; but whatever I...
Read MoreManaging Monday with Martin Luther – take 2
As the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation draws near, it is only appropriate that we spend a few weeks looking at the insights of one the leading figure of the Reformation, Martin Luther (1483-1546). I must listen to the Gospel. It tells me not what I must do, but what Jesus Christ, the Son of God, has done for me – Martin Luther It is the duty of every Christian to be Christ to his neighbor – Martin Luther The Christian shoemaker does his duty not by putting little crosses on the shoes, but by making good shoes, because God is interested in good craftsmanship...
Read MoreSixty, not out…
I turn 60 today – well the day this post went up (13 July 2017), lest you read it later. Here are some semi tongue in cheek comments I made about this in my regular column in the Advocate. It was also entitled, Sixty, not out… I turn 60 in July. I know you’d never have guessed it, and find it hard to believe as well. But there it is, the big six zero looming up ahead. So when does old age begin? According to an often cited study, the British consider themselves old at 59, the French at 63 and the Greeks (bless them) at 68. I haven’t spotted an official Australian figure, but my...
Read MoreManaging Monday with Martin Luther
As 2017 marks the 500th anniversary of the Protestant Reformation, it is only appropriate that we spend a few weeks looking at the insights of one the leading figure of the Reformation, Martin Luther (1483-1546). I know not the way God leads me, but well do I know my guide – Martin Luther So when the devil throws your sin in your face and declares that you deserve death and hell, tell him this: “I admit that I deserve death and hell, what of it? For I know One who suffered and made satisfaction on my behalf. His name is Jesus Christ, Son of God, and where He is there I shall be...
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