Guarding God’s Reputation: Is God a Moral Monster?
Like many who went to school in the sixties and seventies, my day started with an assembly at which the Lord’s prayer was said. We’d rush through it, and I can confidently affirm that it is possible to say it in well under 8 seconds. Not that I’d advise it. After all, the sentiments are so rich, you don’t want to miss them. Do you remember how Matt 6:9 starts? “This then is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.'” In my sub 8 second scramble I never paused to reflect on what it meant. If you had asked me I suspect I would...
Read MoreGuarding God’s Reputation…
Have you ever sat through a sermon or a talk and heard the speaker express a view about God that made you think, “Well that makes God sound petty and small”? Usually the speaker means well, but has not thought deeply. An advantage of being 65 and of having preached my first sermon when I was 15 is that I now have half a century of sermon “thou shalt not’s” to sift through. In their own way they each say something about what the speaker thought about God, or perhaps didn’t think, because sometimes we make God sound so very mean and so very trivial. One that...
Read MoreThe Virtue and Vice of Agnosticism
We are sometimes too sure of things we should be open minded about, and too uncertain about the things that really matter. Agnosticism, that tantalising space where we see all sides of an argument and put a definitive answer in the too hard basket, is sometimes a virtue, and sometimes a vice. Let me give a few examples from my almost 65 year sojourn on this planet. I became a serious follower of Jesus when I was a teenager – back in the 1970’s. Some things were very clear in that distant era. I didn’t go to my school ball (even though I had a beautiful girlfriend) because...
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