Posts Tagged "bad sermons"

How to preach when you haven’t got anything to say…

Posted by on Dec 15, 2020 in Blog | 4 comments

Amusing though the title is, let me start with the disclaimer that it isn’t mine, but was the topic given to Mark Oakley when asked to preach at a recent Church Times event. Now Mark Oakley always has something worthwhile to say – so do listen to his podcast on this topic, though other than for the title, I have taken this post in my own direction. Furthermore, lest you think this is for preachers alone, I plan to follow it up with a post: “How to listen when the preacher hasn’t got anything to say…” – so I am trying to make sure there is something...

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What makes a sermon bad?

Posted by on May 24, 2016 in Blog | 3 comments

While by instinct I prefer to focus on things that are positive, given that I posted on what makes a sermon good, it is only appropriate that we look at what makes a sermon bad. While it might be tempting to look at the earlier post and say, ‘everything that’s the opposite of the seven good points’, that is just a cop out. So what makes a sermon bad? Here are my thoughts, and as always, feel free to add your own. A bad sermon misinforms about God. It can do that in many ways. It can be unbiblical. It can present a partial truth as a whole truth (remember the principle, when...

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