Posts Tagged "forgiveness"

Our Deepest Regrets: To the Judas within…

Posted by on Jul 14, 2024 in Blog | 7 comments

I get to preach on Judas Iscariot this week. Yup – I drew the short straw. Sure, someone has to do it, but how do you inspire a congregation with someone who is more infamous than Hitler? “With great difficulty”, I hear you reply – and fair enough. Jonathan Sacks has rightly noted that the Bible is unusual in ancient literature in that its heroes have flaws and its villains have virtues. That’s in stark contrast to the lazy triumphalism that was common for the time. But does it apply to Judas? There is no doubt he was a villain – his kiss of betrayal...

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The face in the mirror and other measures…

Posted by on Apr 28, 2024 in Blog | 2 comments

I don’t know what your relationship with mirrors is, but mine is becoming a little hostile. Aging is not flattering and the image my bathroom mirror reflects back is somewhat disappointing. For all that, mirrors can do some wonderful things. They aren’t always of the visual variety. I’ve recently had some auditory mirrors played back to me. In preparation for the release of my latest book (Stirrers and Saints – the hard cover copy is now available for pre-order) I’m part of a podcast: Stirrers and Saints- The Podcast. It has been the most enormous fun getting it...

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Humility – a baseline virtue

Posted by on Apr 21, 2024 in Blog | 0 comments

I imagine you have heard the usual quips about humility, often of the “I’m the most humble person I know,” variety. While we might smile at the quandary the “are you humble?” question places us in (if you answer yes, it means no; and no means yes) it’s still worth asking. Perhaps it’s not about rating ourself on this virtue, but thinking about why it matters. There is of course a case to be made against humility. It can mean struggling with a sense of unworthiness, or of feeling second rate – or a downright failure. There is no virtue in that,...

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Coram Deo: Living in the sight of God…

Posted by on Jun 18, 2023 in Blog | 5 comments

While I am by no means a Latin expert, there is a Latin phrase I love. Given you’ve seen the title of the post, it won’t come as a surprise that it’s “coram Deo”, which essentially claims that all of life takes place in the sight of God. We live and move and have our being before God’s face. Nothing is unknown to God, nothing a surprise to God. Should God ever get into a discussion about us we can be assured that nothing the discussion partner says will see God’s hands fling up in surprise with a startled, “Oh my goodness! I hadn’t heard...

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Flourishing in Winter…

Posted by on Mar 19, 2023 in Blog | 0 comments

I’ve been talking about flourishing a fair bit lately, and recently someone asked, “Is it possible to flourish in winter?” It’s a good question, and a lot depends on what is meant by flourishing. If it means being highly productive and in a state where everything goes well, presumably not. That’s not what happens in winter, for winter is the season of slowing down, staying indoors and sober reflection. It isn’t a “go and glow” time, and if you confuse winter for summer, frost bite is a short step away. But perhaps the question could have been...

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