Posts Tagged "parables"

The Three Books of God: How do we Learn About God?

Posted by on May 5, 2024 in Blog | 1 comment

If you’re into theology there is a fair chance that you’ve heard about the two books of God. There is the book of nature, where creation points to the creativity, power and majesty of God, and then there is the Bible, which records hundreds of “God turned up” events and helps us to understand what they mean and how they teach us about God. Ps 19 is often used as an example of these two sources of knowledge about God. It starts: “The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. Day after day they pour forth speech; night after night...

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By persevering…

Posted by on Oct 22, 2023 in Blog | 4 comments

What’s the greatest predictor of future success? While experts express a range of views, their answers usually include words like resilience, tenacity and perseverance. Those who persevere, reap the reward. Naturally there are limits to this. If you persist in doing the wrong thing, you will be persistently wrong. What we persevere at matters, and checking we are on the right journey is important. There is an interesting aside in Luke 8:15, as Jesus wraps up his parable of the sower. It’s probably a familiar story, but lest its not in your repertoire, Jesus speaks about a farmer...

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A Walk in the Woods…

Posted by on Jul 16, 2023 in Blog | 9 comments

This week Rosemary and I managed a short escape down Margaret River way, in part to celebrate my 66th birthday. Most of the family joined us and we were amply accommodated in a cavernous home that could have coped with a party twice our size. The weather was great in a wintery way – cold and sometimes misty, but nothing to stop us carrying out our plans, one of which was to walk the Chimney Trail in Wooditjup National park – a walk suitable for both 5 and 65 year olds (we did it the day before my birthday, when I was younger). A few things struck me from our walk in the woods....

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For an audience of one…

Posted by on Jul 12, 2016 in Blog | 0 comments

After a busy little spell, and with a very full semester looming, I took some time off to pray and to reflect on what lies ahead. As is usually my practice on such days, I found a quiet spot by the beach, the soothing rhythm of the waves a wonderful backdrop to my thinking. At one stage I went for a walk along the beach – true, I am still limping somewhat, but it was good to feel the breeze and to watch wave after wave make its way towards the shore, and though my pace was slower than usual, my pedometer approved of my progress. For most of the time I was the sole occupant of the beach...

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