About the blog and a holiday…

Posted by on Oct 25, 2015 in Blog | 2 comments

Thanks for your continued support and interest in this blog. I have been really encouraged by the warm response of so many of you. There have now been well over 6000 visits to the site – it has significantly exceeded my expectations. More importantly, several people have contacted me to ask me if they can use material from the site in church newsletters or in sermons or as resource in a unit they are teaching. My answer is always the same: YES – that is why I write, and I can’t tell you the pleasure it gives me to think that the material is sometimes helpful. When reusing material, it is nice if you credit the source as brianharrisauthor.com

Some news… Tomorrow Rosemary and I set off on a holiday to Europe… well mostly holiday, with some very minor bits of work and study at a few points. This has been a special year for us… in a few weeks it is our 35th wedding anniversary, and a few weeks back Rosemary celebrated her 60th birthday, and earlier in the year our first grandchild was born. So if there ever was a year for a celebration, we felt it was this one.

We’ve not done anything quite like this before. We will be on a river cruise from Amsterdam to Budapest and then fly to Rome and explore some parts in that region, before flying back to Perth mid November. We’ve used some money I inherited from my mother to fund this trip, so in its own way this will also be a time to remember her life and legacy with gratitude.

So what will happen with the blog while I am away?

I have scheduled several postings – but there won’t be quite as many as usual. I think there will still be one at 6:00am each Tuesday and Friday (I still need to finalise a few before we leave tomorrow), but the bonus posts I have been fitting in are less likely. But who knows, perhaps the trip will inspire me to write as never before. We shall see…

Anyway, wanted you to be kept up to date. So glad you are part of the conversation. As always, nice chatting…


  1. have a great holiday. Congratulations on your 35 th anniversary. We’re a bit ahead of you at 56.. God bless.

    • Thanks Bruce. We are rather excited about the trip.

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