Sugar, fat and all that…

Posted by on Sep 13, 2015 in Blog | 4 comments

I publish a monthly article in Perth’s Advocate newspaper, and as most readers of this blog don’t see it, I thought I would reproduce it here. September’s title was ‘Sugar, fat and all that.’ It comes as a bonus blog. The current ‘Why believe?’ series continues on Tuesday with a post ‘Miracles, maths and mystery.’

Sugar, Fat and all that…

Due to a recent flight’s disappointing movie choice, I was reduced to watching Damon Gameau’s That Sugar Film which pontificates on the dangers of consuming too much sugar, and alerts us to the health epidemic likely if we don’t change our ways and say a solid no to sugar and spice and all things nice. I won’t be able to look at a glass of apple juice in the same way, and whilst I have never been a Mountain Dew fan, if I was, I would be depressed for weeks.

So which is worse for you – sugar or fat? Naturally that depends on which movie you’ve just watched. Do you remember Supersize Me, which tracked the man who ate nothing but McDonald’s for too long. Clearly those fats did him no good. It was probably even more disturbing than That Sugar Film, but as I’ve never been a fatty food fan, I found it easier to dismiss. Trouble is, I’ve always had a bit of a sweet tooth.

Very interesting you yawn, but you’re a theologian, not a dietician, so why not stick to your knitting and pass on this months theological gem. How about this… in ethical reflection Christians have never hesitated to condemn the misuse of the body. Substance abuse, be it via drugs, alcohol or tobacco has always been frowned upon. However, whilst the church fathers regarded gluttony as one of the seven deadly sins, it has been the most respectable.

Are there some vices not worth tackling? Indeed, should we think in such legalistic terms? After all, we are saved by grace, not because we say no to chocolate cake. True, but doesn’t grace work its way out in the stuff of life… like the way I treat my neighbour and my family and my body.

The psalmist says we are fearfully and wonderfully made. Even atheists mumble an ‘amen’ to this obvious truth. Should it impact our eating habits? Or would it be better to stop watching movies?

As always, nice chatting…



  1. Dear Brian,

    such a wonderful one . First time I am reading your write up.

    I really enjoyed. Thanks for brain kindling.


  2. Great thoughts Brian. I have often found myself pondering this subject in recent years. Graciously delivered food for thought (pun intended) with encouraging direction. Thank you.

    • Thanks Karen. Saw an interesting headline on the weekend, ‘Sugar is the new tobacco’.

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