Posts Tagged "children"

Those little extras…

Posted by on May 14, 2023 in Blog | 0 comments

I’ve been reading the account of the feeding of the 5000 in Matthew 14:13-21. You’re probably already sighing and thinking this is a miracle you have heard about often enough. It’s the only miracle to pop up in each of the gospels, a reminder that there is something about food that is unforgettable. Feeding 5000 – yes, that was a truly memorable day. Except it wasn’t feeding 5000, was it? Tucked away in verse 21 is the little detail that they fed “about 5000 men, beside women and children.” Each time we speak of the feeding of the 5000 we quietly...

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Adam raised a Cain: When our children break our heart…

Posted by on Feb 5, 2016 in Blog | 8 comments

Don’t know if you are familiar with the Bruce Springsteen classic, Adam Raised a Cain, with its haunting closing lines, ‘Lost but not forgotten, from the dark heart of a dream, Adam raised a Cain.’ For those less familiar with the biblical story behind these lyrics, the song explains it in these words, In the Bible Cain slew Abel And East of Eden he was cast, You’re born into this life paying, for the sins of somebody else’s past. They are tough lines… Sin enters the world through Adam. It impacts his children, and one outcome is that his firstborn son...

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