Posts Tagged "work"

Our deepest desires, our necessary plans…

Posted by on Sep 1, 2024 in Blog | 2 comments

It was a mentoring conversation, and while obviously with a specific person, I had the feeling I had heard it many times before. We were starting with the important Steven Covey insight, “begin with the end in mind”. If you know Covey’s work you will remember that he suggests we imagine we are at our funeral, and are listening in to the eulogies. Covey asks what we hope to hear. Do we long for a word from fellow workers about how smart we were and how cleverly we outwitted the opposition, or would we prefer words from our spouse, children and friends about the deep...

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Because you can’t spend 5 days waiting for 2…

Posted by on Oct 1, 2023 in Blog | 8 comments

Is most of your week spent hanging out for the weekend, insufferably long hours in the office slowly ticking away while you wait for the magical 5pm Friday moment when you are free to go and enjoy life?For many people work is a drudge, a necessary evil that provides the money to keep food on the table. It’s the story of the man asked why he was digging a hole: “I’m digging the hole, to earn the money, to buy the food, to give me the strength, to dig the hole.” It’s a sad way to live a life – how awful to wish away 5 out of 7 days each week. There are those...

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Retirement musings…

Posted by on Mar 8, 2016 in Blog | 4 comments

No, I don’t have plans to retire any time soon (how could you even think it?), but I recently attended a function to celebrate the retirement of two colleagues. One, Peter Lu, had worked for the Baptist Union of Western Australia for over 20 years, and the other, Terry Hicks, for 17 years. A lot of intellectual capital was finishing up that day, and there were naturally mixed emotions in the room. Both men have served the denomination with great loyalty and enthusiasm and leave it in a significantly stronger position than it was when they arrived. As they enter retirement, they can do...

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