Richard Foster (1942 – ) is an American theologian and author in the Quaker tradition. His 1978 book Celebration of Discipline has sold over one million copies, and has perhaps been more influential than any other book in helping those in the evangelical stream of Christianity to rediscover and experience some of the spiritual disicplines that have nurtured the church for centuries. He has also written significant books on prayer and simplicity. We will look at some of his insights over the next few weeks…
- The discovery of God lies in the daily and in the ordinary, not in the spectacular and the heroic. If we cannot find God in the routines of home and shop, then we will not find Him at all. Richard Foster
- There is no greater need today than the freedom to lay down the heaven burden of getting ahead. Richard Foster
- Stop trying to impress people with your clothes and impress them with your life. Richard Foster
- Christ not only died a “Cross-death”, he lived a “Cross-life”. Richard Foster
As always, nice chatting…