Walter Brueggemann (1933- ) is one of the most influential Old Testament scholars. Though in the first instance a distinguished academic, his work has reached a far wider readership, and the depth of his insights have spoken to many. Here is a third and final taster of some of his work…
- Prayer is a refusal to settle for what is. Walter Bruggemann
- I intend to focus on the question of truth. That means I do not inquire about facticity – what happened – but what is claimed, what is asserted about reality. Walter Bruggemann
- Cynicism always comes clothed in “realism”. The alternatives to begin with an act of imagination. Can we imagine another way? Walter Bruggemann
- Silence is a strategy for the maintenance of the status quo, with its unbearable distribution of power and wealth. Walter Bruggemann
As always, nice chatting…