Refresh: Where our best prayers take us…
Todays refresh post first appeared in Aug 2022. Frederick Buechner’s idea that some prayers are “best prayers” and that they should take us somewhere, resonates with me deeply. It’s worthy of a re-read… Incidentally, some of these ideas are also explored on the Stirrers and Saints Podcast on Scripture and Prayer. Well worth a listen… Where our best prayers take us A post in 2022 noted the passing of Frederick Buechner and tapped into some of his wisdom. In this one I’d like to explore a passing comment which appears in a series of rapid fire advice...
Read MoreGuarding God’s Reputation: Is God a Moral Monster?
Like many who went to school in the sixties and seventies, my day started with an assembly at which the Lord’s prayer was said. We’d rush through it, and I can confidently affirm that it is possible to say it in well under 8 seconds. Not that I’d advise it. After all, the sentiments are so rich, you don’t want to miss them. Do you remember how Matt 6:9 starts? “This then is how you should pray: ‘Our Father in heaven, hallowed be your name.'” In my sub 8 second scramble I never paused to reflect on what it meant. If you had asked me I suspect I would...
Read MoreLittle victories…
We sometimes think everything would change if we managed to get a major breakthrough in some troubling area of our life. We long for a slam dunk moment after which success is assured and all will be well. Perhaps its an investment that turns out to be a goldmine, or a new breathing technique that assures us we will be able to say goodbye to anxiety, or a magical combination of foods that mean calories no longer count. We long for that single step which will solve all. And the simple truth is that we are unlikely to find it. Progress in life is most often found through little victories....
Read MoreFrom Mindfulness to Watchfulness…
I usually enjoy excellent health but some months back succumbed to a minor ailment which required me to be on medication for 10 days. The doctor informed me that as a likely side effect was sleepiness, I should take my daily tablet half an hour after I finished my evening meal. Came day four, and about thirty minutes after dinner I stopped and thought, “Have I taken my medicine?” Answer – I had no idea. I had a vague recollection that I might have, but had been so busy doing one thing after another that I really wasn’t sure. I tried to recap my activities and to remember what I had done…...
Read MoreBetween Toxic Positivity and a Deus Remotus…
Toxic positivity is a new buzz word which rightly laments the irritating habit of attributing something positive to everything that happens, the kind of “if life serves you lemons, make lemonade” mindset which undergirds most bumper stickers and many sermon slogans. It’s an attitude that makes it near impossible to own failure, unless it is spoken of in the past tense: “Once long ago, before I solved everything.” It leaves us viewing lament with suspicion, and blocks attempts to face and own the pain of life. You can find it in the workplace, in churches and in...
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